Intersections At The Jones Keystone Project In North Carolina


TORONTO, ON - Orford Mining Corporation reported the completion of its drilling program on the Jones Keystone and Faulkner properties in North and South Carolina, respectively. A total of 6 holes have been drilled totaling 1,121m (655m at Jones-Keystone and 466m at Faulkner). Assay results for the first hole on the Jones-Keystone Property have been encouraging, reporting 41.1 m grading 1.36 g/t Au, including 9m grading 2.63 g/t Au. The Drilling at Jones-Keystone has confirmed continuity of historical mineralization and extended mineralization into a previously unexplored zone which opens up the size potential of this mineralized system. Drilling at Faulkner has discovered a new sulphide mineralized zone.

Orford's President and CEO, David Christie said, "We are excited with the initial results from drilling on the Jones-Keystone property showing thick shallow gold mineralization and we look forward to receiving the full assay results. We are also eagerly awaiting the assay results from the drilling on the Faulkner property, including the new sulphide mineralization discovery."

At the Jones-Keystone property in North Carolina, drilling of strong charge ability anomalies that not only coincide with historically drilled mineralization, but also extend at depth and along strike beyond this mineralization has yielded promising results.

JK-18-054 was drilled to a depth of 203m to test the historic gold trend associated with historical drill hole JK-11-017 (104m @ 1.27 g/t Au from 28m to 132m, including 40m @ 2.33 g/t from 64 to 104m)2 and a deeper charge ability anomaly, and to acquire structural information on shallower historical mineralization to test an alternative structural model of the mineralized trend.  While drilling confirmed the continuity of historical gold mineralization, the sulphide mineralization zone associated with the deep IP anomaly did not yield significant gold results.   More detailed structural evaluation of the new core is ongoing. .

At the Faulkner property, Orford drilling targeted multiple parallel zones of sericitic and silicic alteration associated with strong IP anomalies. One of these zones is also with a strong 600m-long charge ability and resistivity anomaly and is coincidently situated under a historical surface grab sample occurrence of 6.33g/t Au and was targeted by holes FM-18-001 and FM-18-003. Both of these holes intersected strong pyrite mineralization and quartz-sericite alteration associated with the IP anomalies. Hole FM-18-002 drilled on the northern anomalous trend and intersected strong sulphide mineralization with strong sericite quartz alteration over 20 to 30m coincident with the IP anomaly.  

Orford has entered into an option agreement with Carolina Gold Resources Inc. to earn a 70% interest in both the Jones-Keystone and Faulkner Properties located respectively in North Carolina and South Carolina in the southeastern US. The properties are located in the Carolina Gold Belt, home to Oceana Gold's producing Haile Mine (3.3 Moz measured and indicated resource - 58.2 Mt at 1.77 g/t Au5), and the past-producing Ridgeway Mine. 

The Jones-Keystone and Faulkner Properties occur at or near the same regional geological contact as the Haile and Ridgeway mines.  At Jones-Keystone, mineralization is exposed at surface and historical drilling has yielded multiple drill hole intercepts in the 1 to 3 g/t range including an interval of 1.56 g/t Au over 54m core length including 3.01 g/t Au over 28m core length in historical hole JK-10-006, and an interval of 1.27 g/t Au over 104m core length including 3.03 g/t Au over 14m core length in historical hole JK-11-0171,2.